Tuesday, August 09, 2005

George Carlin - Short Funny Quotes, Daily Quotes

Honesty may be the best policy, but it's important to remember that apparently, by elimination, dishonesty is the second-best policy.

- George Carlin "Short Funny Quotes", "Short Funny Jokes", "Daily Quotes", "Famous Quotes"


Anonymous said...

as long as you can look the person in the eye, no matter what you say is a matter of fact, even if you beleive it yourself to be true....

rationalization is a god send when you really don't want to lie, it is just another way of telling a story the way you want it to be understood......

definition in itself is a malnipulation of concepts and theories, an example; "I did not have sex with that woman." President Clinton.......

telling an untruth is considered a lie only if you beleive it to be wrong....but, if you change a little here and add a little here and take away a little there, its not a lie anymore, its a "possibility."

macvegan "original" no, really, I am not lying...honestly!

Anonymous said...

as long as you can convince yourself and everyone around you to support your theories, it is not a lie...example; iraq has weapons of massdestruction that is going to kill every american....now, that is not a lie, it is a mistake....but mistakes can take just as much of a toll on human life as the actual lie.....in the case of president "B" he is responsible for just as many lives as president "H" of iraq would have been if the statement was really true....now, who is the culprit and who is sitting in jail awaiting trial, the man who lied about the other man having weapons of mass destruction or the man that really didn't have any weapons of massdestruciton?


Anonymous said...

honesty is all in the presentation; just look at martha stewart, michael jackson, president bush, bill clinton, ronald reagon, donald trump, o.j. simpson....if you can afford professional liars that can twist and turn the truth to bend towards your favor, people will accept you and reward you....fiction is just the next aisle over from nonfiction and is actually more interesting and exciting. some of the greatest liars and theives of our times are heros publically. we only beleive what we choose....sometimes the untruth is more digestable than the truth....this whole business of "what goes around - comes around" is nonsense. if you have enough money to buy the truth, you are considered moral......macvegan