Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Famous Quotes on Life, Funny Quotes, Inspirational, Motivational

When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?"

-Sydney J. Harris Famous Quotes, Funny Quotes, Daily Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes, Quotations


Anonymous said...

old saying, "the man that had no shoes thought his life was over until he saw a man with no feet."


Anonymous said...

when britney spears and other privillaged celebraties complain about all the attention they get and how life is really tough, i just want to transfer them to the jackson family in new orleans, or the tsts family in the congo, or the juarez family in mexico city or the novack family at office furniture outlet so they can feel the hardships of reality.......


Anonymous said...

when you get served the wrong salad dressing at a restaurant and you are upset because your food is taking too long, think about millions of children that go to bed everynight with malnutrition and dream about cold oatmeal.....

when you look at your closet and see the sea of clothes and say to yourself that you don't have anything new to wear, think about the homeless families that have depend on used clothing from shelters.......

when you are driving in traffic on the 605 in your new mercedes listening to the new j.d. fortune of inxs, think about the people of iraq that have to literally dodge bombs everyday.............

when you complain about your president lacking leadership and driving our country into the third world category, think about the last election and who you voted for............

life is full of "ifs" and "life is so depressing." think of the alternative "DEATH"

Anonymous said...

ok here is wut i need to say first off y did douglas novack change his name to macvegan obviously the same person did u feel u needed to have a change of pace so u decided to change your name. and second of all it is blantenly obvious that you are a some what intelegent person now i say somewhat because your good a dictating other ppl's thought and passing them off as your own i read a good portion of your what seemed to be nvr ending comments and they all yelled the same thing I HAVE NO THOUGHTS OF MY OWN... so why dont you get a life and stop pretending to be intelegent and start comming up with some thoughts of your own then when you talk or lets say debat with some one you have your own thoughts on the subject and the person your debating with might take you serious...

Anonymous said...

reply to anonymous.......

first of all, learn to spell, secondly, you coward, stop hiding behind "anonymous," or is that the way you live your life, in hiding; third, say something productive and intelligent or are you as stupid as you appear and finally, mr. anonymous, my name is douglas novack and you are still a moron.......